02 July 2015

Baked Salmon Wrapped With Fresh Basil

Anyone else excited that I'm back, or is it just me? Probably just me.

I couldn't quite remember the last time I set foot in my kitchen to cook a meal from scratch. It has been instant noodles and take-away food for god knows how long. I tend to take more initiative to cook at home during the fasting month but it's kind of hard to find the energy to cook a full meal when you have a full time job but yesterday, I somehow felt motivated to whip up something new and something that would make me look forward to buka puasa.

I went to the grocery store with my mum after work and initially I fancied something more on the meaty-chickeny side but my mum was craving for fish, so I suggested whether she'd like to have salmon and she looooves salmon so the chances of her saying no is almost impossible.

I was making pasta too, but it didn't work out as I would have liked it too so I will post about that once I've perfected the recipe. For now, it's more on trial and error.

I did not have a recipe in mind when I prepared the salmon. I just went with my gut. At first, I wanted to set the lemon slices on top of the salmon but due to the lemon size being ridiculously huge or the salmon being slightly more on the smaller side (whichever you prefer) I had to put the lemon slices at the bottom. Then, I decided to use basil leaves because it's one of my favourite herbs - I honestly can't explain how much Sweet Basil adds joy to my soul. I actually just laid down the leaves on top of the salmon in the beginning but then I felt as though the salmon won't be as fragrant as I would want it to be so I took a couple more of the basil leaves and started wrapping the salmon and made it stay together by using a toothpick. I did not poke the salmon, had to be as delicate as I can be because the leaves are quite fine (no pun intended).

I added 2 cloves of smashed garlic to give it a nice aroma and flavour to the salmon. The thing about salmon is, you don't have to do much because salmon on its own has a very distinct flavour that many of us love so you don't want to mess with the taste too much (unless that's what you fancy then by all means, go ahead)

Of course, not to forget. Always sprinkle some salt and pepper to taste.

I baked in the oven at 200 C (450 degrees F) for 13 - 15 minutes. I use a convection oven so naturally you'd have to minus 25 after converting 450 F to celcius. The time it takes for a salmon to be cooked through depends on the the thickness/size of the salmon itself, if it's bigger.. then it would take longer for it to be done. Whenever you're not sure whether it's cooked, have a peek at the thickest part of the fish by using a fork or anything that wouldn't break the flesh of the salmon too much. If it's flaky, means it's cooked. If it's still raw, the flesh is shiny and squishy if that makes any sense.

After it's done baked in the oven, I served it on a vintage plate (I don't have a picture of this because it was already night and the lighting was bleahh) and voila! It's time to put 'em in my mouth. It tasted delicious and gave me such a delight, I'm being biased here since well, I cooked it but if any of you ever try this recipe, do let me know whether you had happiness bursting in your tummy.

2 salmon fillet of your choice
8-10 large basil leaves
2 garlic cloves, smashed
4 slices of lemon
Few toothpicks
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
  1. Pre-heat the oven at 450 degrees F. 
  2. Season salmon with salt and pepper, squeeze some lemon juice on the salmon and put aside.
  3. Place lemon slices on a baking pan lined with aluminium foil and lay the salmon on the lemon slices. Take the basil leaves and wrap the salmon carefully, and secure with a toothpick. Drizzle olive oil on salmon and place the smashed garlic in between the lemon slices.
  4. Bake at 450 degrees F for 10-15 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork.

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